Monday, June 7, 2010

Hello, Summer!

I will probably mention how HOT it is 100 times until September. Sweaty, yucky, humid hot. I'm not going to let that stop me. I managed to lose a little more weight this week (2.2 pounds altogether). That made me happy and proud. It is also boosting my confidence. I always try to have good self-esteem, but my body confidence is growing. We went to a wedding Saturday night and I dressed in a cute strapless dress. We danced the night away and did the Electric Slide, the Twist and several other dances. Pete was twirling me around the dance floor like never before! It was more fun than I have had at a wedding in a while...and I LOVE weddings. :)

We ran at 11am on Saturday. It was not a good time, weather-wise. It was already steamy hot. From now on, we are going to have to go near dawn or dusk. I'm wimpy in the heat. Tonight, while Pete is working, I went our for a dusk walk around the neighborhood. It's a good moderate exercise to do on my off days from running. It may seem boring, but I enjoy walking. I'm hoping to keep improving in my C25K. I didn't finish the last 5 minute run Saturday. Hopefully, by the time we run again (Probably Wednesday), I'll have the stamina and the weather will be slightly more cooperative.

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